Google Sheets Project Charter Template for Agile PM, Free Download

The design — and signing — of the project charter is the first official process performed in every new project.

Sort of green light, the project charter gives the project manager the authority to expend organizational resources to achieve project objectives.

Here below, you’ll find the link to a downloadable project charter template. It’s designed for Google Sheets and Google G Suite but works like a charm also in Microsoft Excel and LibreOffice Calc.

Free, easy!


How to Use the Project Charter Template

google project charter template google agile project management template free download how to tipsographic

Google project charter agile template – Download.

Tipsographic project charter template is a one-sheet file that provides a big picture overview of an agile project.

It contains fewer details than a waterfall project charter and, therefore, its creation is faster.

The ‘project-charter’ spreadsheet has two main sections:

  • general project information
  • project details

The ‘project detail’ section is high level and focuses on mission (the overall objectives of the project), vision (the end goal of the project), scope (what’s in and what’s out of the project), and completion criteria (what the project definition of “done” looks like.)


Step 1: Download

To download the free project charter file, refer to the steps described in Risk Register Template for Excel, Google Sheets, and LibreOffice Calc – Free Download. 


Step 2: Edit

To edit, clear data from column G and enter your specs.

Designed for Google Sheets, you can access and edit your spreadsheet wherever you go — from your phone, tablet, or computer — even when there’s no connection.


Step 3: Share and Collaborate

Share the digital project charter with your team, or people outside your company. Choose whether they can view, edit, or comment on it.


Download the Project Charter Template



Note about the Use of This Template

This template may be used and copied free of charge, provided that the copyright notice isn’t removed. You may not make the file downloadable from a public server or website, but feel free to bookmark or link to this page.Read More »